Robert Townson High School

I am a Safe, Respectful Learner

Telephone02 9824 7777

Learning Support

Learning and support resources are available in the school to help any student experiencing difficulties in learning in a regular class, regardless of the cause.

This includes support for students with:

  • learning difficulties

  • mild intellectual disabilities

  • language disorders

  • behaviour needs

  • autism spectrum disorders or mental health disorders (with lower level support needs).

At Robert Townson High School students may be provided with support in the classroom through a Student Learning Support Officer (SLSO). Students may also be supported by the provision of a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) which provides strategies that the classroom teacher can use in the classroom to support their learning needs. PLP’s are developed in conjunction with the school’s wellbeing team.

Students with significant learning disabilities may be eligible to participate in a Life Skills program of study which enables them to study alternative content. Undertaking a Life Skills program of study may impact a student’s entry to post school study. Applications for Life Skills are considered by the Wellbeing team with feedback from classroom teachers.

Further information: