Stories celebrating human rights
Our universal declaration proclaims rights and freedoms for everybody.
But 60 years on millions of people around the world are still denied full human rights.
14 acclaimed storytellers take inspiration from their struggle.`.

Ibarajo Road
Harry Allen
After Charlie goes on a disastrous rich kid's bender, he and his friends are given one last chance to redeem themselves. In desperation, Charlie opts to work at a refuge for orphans, the sick and the homeless who pass through it's gates. But this is Africa, where poverty and corruption run deep and the trafficking is human - and Charlie is in it right up to his neck.

Holy Fool Artworks
Michael Leunig
The most joyous painting is not done for the art world, it is done for the inner world; it is a self-delighting, other worldly thing - a getting lost in regression and solitude, a subliterate, semidelirious way to be with the spirited little fool in the depths of one's being for a while...

From the Frontlines of Global Health
Karen Kasmauski - Peter Jaret
How can we heal out planet and achieve an Earth that nurtures humanity and nature in all their diversity? As individuals, we can act to reduce our risk of exposure to disease and extend care to others. As communities and as nations, we can educate our citizens, legislate ethically and wisely, and support organisations that conduct research and help those who are ill.