Robert Townson High School

I am a Safe, Respectful Learner

Telephone02 9824 7777


Welcome to Issue 27 of The Townson Times, the newsletter of RTHS.  Many of our articles are written by students from our own news room.  

Welcome to our new Year 7 students

By Isabella Schuster and Jamiela Campos

This week, Isabella and Jamiela, two of our intrepid newsroom reporters, hit the quad to find out how the Year 7 students are settling in.

The new year has come and we have finally adjusted into the new school year. We have seen new faces and small figures roam the school halls these first few weeks. We have new bundles of year 7’s coming into the school and experiencing the high school life. So we decided to go and ask some of these Year 7’s about their first experience starting high school to understand their point of view. Here’s what they had to say:

“Pretty scared, the teachers and the work are cool and I enjoy it with my friends. I like the vibe too.” - Larry Lamalia (7E)

“Happy, sad, excited and scared. There’re too many kids though. ” - Emmanuel Lopesi (7R)

“Kind of nerve wracking.  There are no troubles so far. The school is too big though, but the people are nice.” - Theresa Anoliefo (7R)

“Well it was scary because you didn’t know anyone and all the seniors are pretty tall. Bringing computers is a struggle though. A very big school too!” - Brooke Southwell (7E)

Overall the year 7’s were quite nervous and scared, but we can reassure each and every one of you, that you will become more comfortable and confident in your new school. We wish the Year 7’s the best of luck and a big welcome to Robert Townson!

HIU Out and About

By Ms Williams

On the 8th February, teachers and students from the RTHS Hearing Impaired Unit ventured out to the Brickman Cities Lego Exhibition.

The students caught buses and trains to the Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park to see the exhibition.

The all-day outing is part of our travel training and Community Access program to build lifelong skills.

Students and staff were totally absorbed in building Lego structures and were amazed by the intricate displays of the cities Sydney, London, Tokyo, Dubai and New York.  

See our full gallery here.

2019 SRC Members

By Emerson Schuster and Robbie Tabalanza

Our school offers many curriculum clubs that have altered the lives of students attending Robert Townson High School. Each group has many great aspects that can contribute to your child's future.

This year we welcome our school’s new 2019 Student Representative Council, who have worked hard and long to achieve their positions.  Congratulations to the following future leaders from each year group.

Year 11

Emily Statton, Soha Awan, Liam Robertson, Victoria Mavroidis, Brieanna Baker and Brandon Nanthathammicko

Year 10

Zakariyya El Masri, Emerson Schuster, Robbie Mae Tabalanza, Jasmine Taleb and Mohammad El-Haj

Year 9

Tiarne Travers, Jamiela Campos, Isabella Schuster, and Kayne Dias

Year 8

Lina Nguyen and Lucy Gowan


Mohammad El-Haj, Lina Nguyen and Lucy Gowan

Valentine’s Day

By Armaan Memon and Jonathon Lai

On the 14th of February, the students of Robert Townson High School took part in a gift-a-cookie event.


Students could purchase a cookie for a friend or loved one.

Approximately $400 was raised on the day and put towards the Year 12 graduation caps and gowns.

The occasion was met warmly, especially weather-wise. To accommodate, ice blocks were sold to students to make the day more joyful and boost the fundraising coffers.

The Senior Leaders would like to offer a special thanks to Ms Druce from TAS for her stealth cookie production.  Ms Druce made over 100 cookies for the event to support the students in their fundraising efforts.

2019 Year Advisors

By Robbie Tabalanza and Emerson Schuster

If you need assistance for your child's educational, mental or physical support at school, contact the following Year Advisors. 

Year 7: Mary Jo Hernandez (Science)

Year 8: Sharon Logue (Art)

Year 9: Taylor Davies (English)

Year 10: Jessica Krol (Science)

Year 11: Claudia Gile and Daniel Mattes (History)

Year 12: Maria Stamoudis (TAS) 

School Photo Day

By Emerson Schuster and Robbie Tabalanza

Just a reminder that school photo day will be on Friday the 8th March (Week 6).

Each student should have been given their envelopes during roll call with their name directly printed on it. If your child has not received an envelope, they should go to the front office and collect it or ask for a spare one. Envelopes for sibling photos are also available in the office.

These envelopes must be brought to school and returned to the photographers ON THE DAY. Students must be in FULL SCHOOL UNIFORM. Students who are not purchasing photos must still arrive in full school uniform and have their photo taken.

Transport Concession Entitlement Card is needed for students 16 years and over


Students 16 years and older must have a Concession Entitlement card if they are using a Child/Youth Opal card on public transport.

Senior secondary student cards are available for immediate issue and are valid until 31 March 2020.  All students over the age of 16 are entitled to the card and must carry it with them at all times when catching public transport with a Youth/Child Opal Card to avoid receiving a fine.  

It is highly recommended that students obtain a concession card if they catch public transport, including trains, buses and ferries.

If you would like to apply for a concession card, simply go to the office and request one.  

Ms McKeown’s Deputy Report

Welcome to the start of another exciting school year. I hope all members of the school community had a wonderful summer break and have returned re-energised and ready to commence the 2019 academic year.

Presentation Day, 2018

Last year concluded with the Presentation Day ceremony held in our school hall. It was such a pleasure to celebrate the achievements of the students and it was also great to have special guests Mr Anoulack Chanthivong, Member for Macquarie Fields, Dr Michael Freelander, Member for Macarthur and Ms Karen Endicott, Director, Educational Leadership St Andrews Network as the special guest speakers for the event.

Thank you to all of the staff, parents and special guests for attending the ceremony and I must say how proud I felt of all that we collectively achieve each year. It was a real joy to have members of our school and broader community in attendance, to share in this very special celebration, not only to formally conclude and reflect upon the academic school year, but most importantly to celebrate the achievements of the students. Thank you to the staff involved for the energy and commitment they demonstrated to ensure that the ceremony was so successful and special for our school. 

Welcome to the new year.

I am pleased to report that the school has settled into its usual routine quite seamlessly and I am grateful to the staff, in particular to our Year Advisers, timetable team members and the wonderful Administration staff for their work in supporting the students into their new classes and routines.

I would like to also offer a very warm welcome to our new parents and students who have joined the Robert Townson High School community for the first time in 2019, particularly our Year 7 students. We have also welcomed a number of new students into Years 8 to 12 and I am confident that all of our new students and their families will settle in and become part of our community in no time at all.

Thank you to all our new families and students for choosing RTHS to be your school, I look forward to getting to know you and working together over the coming years.